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Al-Azhar Park is a major park in Cairo's Darb al-Ahmar neighborhood in Egypt. It was inaugurated in May 2005.
Among several honors, this park is listed as one of the world's sixty great public spaces by Project for Public Spaces . The Park was created by the Historic Cities Support Programme of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture , an entity of the Aga Khan Development Network . The park, developed at a cost in excess of USD $30 million, was a gift to Cairo from the Aga Khan. It is interesting to note that the city of Cairo was founded in the year 969 by the Fatimid Imam-Caliphs who were ancestors of the Aga Khan.
The park project was not only the development of the park, but also included aspects of archeology (12th century Ayyubid wall), historic building rehabilitation (14th Century Umm Sultan Shaban Mosque, the 13th century Khayrbek complex, and the Darb Shoughlan School) and several quality of life improvement initiatives. Those initiatives included skills training, area rehabilitation, microfinance, and support in the areas of health and education among others.
The First Museum of the City, a museum that will describe the evolution of Egypt's capital city Cairo is to be built in Al-Azhar Park. With 4,000 square metres of exhibition space spread over two floors, the museum is expected to have 1,000 pieces on display from different historical periods.
The museum will be situated in the northern section of the Al-Azhar Park, near the Ayub Wall. The park will play an important role in the museum thematic.
The project is being managed jointly by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture and by Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.
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